Development assistance in the Philippines

Australia remains committed to strengthening Philippine institutions and communities to withstand social, economic and climate-related shocks. We will do this by partnering with the Philippines through practical locally-led solutions on climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, social protection, and gender equality, disability and social inclusion.
We will work in partnership towards the following outcomes:
- Relevant institutions are strengthened to support poverty reduction and resilience to climate change, disasters, and social and economic shocks; and
- Communities and disadvantaged groups, including women, people with disability, and Indigenous peoples, better prepare for and respond to climate change, disasters, humanitarian crises, and social and economic shocks.
Australia will work with the Philippine Government in to bolster disaster risk governance and respond to climate risks using data, science, and local and Indigenous knowledge. We will increase our cooperation with the Philippines on climate change, including through adaptation, nature-based solutions, blended and climate financing, and mitigation.
Australia will step up our engagement to strengthen the Philippines' social protection system, improve the implementation of cash-based income protection, and reduce the gaps in reaching vulnerable households with adequate transfers, including support for people with disability and Indigenous people. We will focus particularly on supporting gender equality and lessening the impact of climate change through the social protection system.
This will be complemented by our targeted partnerships strengthening elements of the health system, such as capacity building on disease surveillance and enhancing immunisation registries through our global and Indo-Pacific regional programs.
We will support the Philippine Government's agenda to advance gender equality by strengthening its processes for evidence-based policy-making, planning and financing of gender equality initiatives. We will support initiatives that empower women, advocate for equal access to services and opportunities, and challenge gender norms. We will invest in strengthening systems to ensure equity and inclusion for people with disability and Indigenous peoples. We will also ensure initiatives work for people experiencing intercessional forms of disadvantage.
Supporting key investments
- SHIELD Against Disasters & Climate Change
- Response and Recovery Assistance to the Philippines
- Humanitarian Response and Early Recovery Support (HEART)
- Protracted Crises Recovery Assistance
- New Climate Change program
- Social Protection, Inclusion and Gender Equality (SPRING)
- SaferKidsPH program
- Direct Aid Program Philippines
SHIELD Against Disasters & Climate Change
$18.6 million (2021-28)
Strengthening Institutions and Empowering Localities against Disasters and Climate Change (SHIELD) aims to make all people in target communities safer and more resilient to the impacts of disasters and climate change. SHIELD works with local governments to co-design and implement informed and inclusive resilience actions, while engaging national agencies on progressing key policy reforms and supporting the development of tailored and accessible information for local resilience plans and programs.
Response and Recovery Assistance to the Philippines (RRAP)
$39 million (2017-24)
The Response and Recovery Assistance to the Philippines (RRAP) program supports the Philippine Government in responding to humanitarian and early recovery needs of the most vulnerable people affected by disasters and conflict. RRAP:
- provides appropriate and timely humanitarian and protection assistance to the most vulnerable people affected and displaced by disasters and emergencies
- supports households to recover and participate in local economic activities.
Agreements are delivered through United Nations agencies, Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and non-government organisations.
Related documents
Name of document | Year published | Type |
Philippine Red Cross (PRC) Multiyear Prepositioning Agreement - Midterm Review | 2023 | Program evaluation |
Marawi Recovery Project midterm review | 2021 | Program evaluation |
Relevant link
Humanitarian Response and Early Recovery Support (HEART)
$22.5 million (2022-28)
The Humanitarian Response and Early Recovery Support (HEART) program supports the Philippine Government in providing immediate relief assistance, protection, and early recovery support to vulnerable communities affected by disasters and emergencies.
The investment includes disaster preparedness initiatives such as multiyear prepositioning of supplies and services, as well as capacity strengthening of national and sub-national governments on emergency supply chain management and communications.
Protracted Crises Recovery Assistance (PCRA)
$7.8 million (2022-26)
The Protracted Crises Recovery Assistance (PCRA) program provides long-term recovery assistance to communities affected by major disasters and protracted crises – including the reconstruction and rehabilitation of communities, and in strengthening capacities of local stakeholders to recover and build back better.
New Climate Change Program
Under design – expected to commence in 2025-26
Scoping and design work for a new investment focused on climate change adaptation and mitigation is in progress.
Social Protection, Inclusion and Gender Equality (SPRING)
$40 million (2024-29)
SPRING will support poverty and inequality reduction in the Philippines, aiming to improve inclusion for disadvantaged groups. The program focuses on strengthening the Philippine Government's social protection programs and gender mainstreaming and budgeting systems. SPRING will also strengthen the systems which provide services to people with disability and Indigenous Peoples.
SaferKidsPH program
$8 million (2019-25)
SaferKidsPH supports the Philippine government in raising public awareness on child online safety, improving capacity of police and courts to detect, investigate and prosecute OSAEC cases, and ensuring that quality support services are accessible for vulnerable children and families. The program is aligned with Australia and Philippines' shared commitments to protect children from all forms of abuse and exploitation, particularly online sexual abuse and exploitation of children (OSAEC), and counter human trafficking. SaferKidsPH is delivered through the Australian Federal Police, and a consortium of UNICEF, Save the Children Philippines and The Asia Foundation, in partnership with communities, schools, private sector, international and local organisations and other like-minded donors.
Related document
Name of document | Year published | Type |
SaferKidsPH Independent Midterm Review | 2023 | Program evaluation |
Relevant link
Direct Aid Program Philippines (DAP)
$2.4 million (2019-2025)
The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible grants scheme that supports local NGOs and community organisations implement activities that respond to the needs of vulnerable groups including disadvantaged children, women, people with disability, Indigenous peoples, the elderly, members of the LGBTQI community, and the poorest. Initiatives supported under this facility include:
- income generation and sustainable livelihoods
- promoting access to nutritious, safe, and sustainable food supply
- provision of water and sanitation facilities
- community climate change resilience and adaptation
- innovation/adoption of new ways of doing business
- preservation of cultural heritage.