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Development assistance in Vietnam

Objective 1 - An inclusive, resilient, sustainable and prosperous economy


$31.5 million, 2018-27

Aus4Innovation is contributing to Vietnam s innovation system for an inclusive, sustainable socio-economic development. Aus4Innovation has four end of program outcomes: i) enhanced capacity for institutional, and policy and regulatory reform in targeted Ministries that enables inclusive innovation; ii) improved ability of targeted innovation ecosystems in the selected sector to continuously respond to an evolving context; iii) inclusive national and regional innovation support mechanisms connect people, ideas, investment and resources to respond to innovation opportunities and challenges; and iv) sustainable, mutually beneficial partnerships that strengthen Australia and Vietnam Innovation Systems. The key partners of this investment are the Ministry of Science and Technology and several agencies under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The investment is implemented by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

Related documents*

Name of documentYear publishedType
Aus4Innovation fact sheet2022Fact sheet
Vietnam Aus4Innovation Independent Review2022Evaluation

Related links

Aus4Innovation website

Australia-Vietnam Partnership for Economic Growth (Aus4Growth)

$90 million, 2024-31

The Australia-Vietnam Partnership for Economic Growth (Aus4Growth) aims to close gaps in Vietnam s policy and practice to support enhanced economic growth, trade and investment, clean energy and transport, inclusion, and digital acceleration. Aus4Growth is designed to support implementation of the Australia-Vietnam Enhanced Economic Engagement Strategy and Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.

Australia-World Bank Strategic Partnership in Vietnam Phase Two (ABP2)

$50 million, 2017-26

The second phase of the Australia-World Bank Strategic Partnership in Vietnam (ABP2) aims to share knowledge and strengthen development policies and programs through policy dialogue, dissemination of analytical work and capacity building. The program focuses on six key areas: low carbon infrastructure; economic management and growth; climate resilience in the Mekong Delta; inclusion; digital transformation; and gender equality.

Related documents*

Name of documentYear publishedType
Australia-World Bank Strategic Partnership (ABP) Phase 2 & The Vietnam Private Sector Development Partnership fact sheet2023Fact sheet
Australia-World Bank Strategic Partnership in Vietnam Phase 2 Mid-Term review report and Management response2019Mid-Term review report and management response

Vietnam Private Sector Development Partnership (VPSDP)

$15 million, 2022-27

The Vietnam Private Sector Development Partnerships (VPSDP) is delivered by the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The program supports Vietnam achieve its development objectives sustainably by promoting private sector development, transitioning to a green economy, supporting green financing and enhancing gender inclusion.

Related documents*

Name of documentYear publishedType
Australia-World Bank Strategic Partnership (ABP) Phase 2 & The Vietnam Private Sector Development Partnership fact sheet2022Fact sheet
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