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Australia-World Bank Strategic Partnership in Vietnam Phase 2 Mid-Term review report and Management response

Summary of publication

The Australia-World Bank Group Strategic Partnership in Vietnam Phase Two (ABP2) aims to share knowledge and strengthen policies and programs for selected development priorities for Vietnam, with a particular focus on gender equality. The Program engages the Government of Vietnam (GoV) through policy dialogues, analytical work, knowledge-sharing forums, and capacity building. The Program has six themes:

  1. investment in ethnic minorities,
  2. gender equality and women’s economic empowerment,
  3. climate-resilient development in the Mekong Delta,
  4. trade and competitiveness,
  5. efficient and sustainable transport, and
  6. moving the Vietnam 2035 Report from strategy to action.

Gender and innovation are cross-cutting themes.

With Australian funding of AUD 25 million from April 2017 to December 2021, ABP2 is operationalized through a single-donor programmatic trust fund at the World Bank in Vietnam. Conducted in May-June 2019, the ABP2 Mid Term Review (MTR) comprised a literature review, interviews with GoV counterparts, and discussions with program participants from Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the World Bank Group in Vietnam.

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