Driving climate innovation: strengthening Australia-Brazil partnerships in cleantech, sustainability, and critical minerals at United Nations COP30
Grant recipient: Australia Brazil Chamber of Commerce
Grant amount (excluding GST): $48,000.00
Project location: Australia, Brazil
Post: Brasilia
DFAT state office: Canberra, Sydney
Empower HER through Sport - Empoderarla a traves del deporte
Grant recipient: Sport Inclusion Australia
Grant amount (excluding GST): $48,000.00
Project location: Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico, Cuba, Panama, Peru
Post: Lima
DFAT state office: Brisbane
The Antarctic Youth Coalition: from Punta Arenas to Hobart
Grant recipient: University of Tasmania
Grant amount (excluding GST): $39,848.72
Project location: Australia, Chile
Post: Santiago
DFAT state office: Hobart
Australia-Brazil Symposium on Circular Innovation Ecosystems; Empowering Communities
Grant recipient: Griffith University
Grant amount (excluding GST): $48,000.00
Project location: Brazil, Australia
Post: Brasilia
DFAT state office: Brisbane
First Nations Voices of Empowerment: Strengthening our Peoples and countries future through expert cultural exchange
Grant recipient: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
Grant amount (excluding GST): $40,000.00
Project location: Australia, Guatemala, Mexico
Post: Mexico City
DFAT state office: Canberra
Pilot implementation and evaluation of the Spark toolkit for simulation and analysis of wildfires in Chile
Grant recipient: Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Grant amount (excluding GST): $50,000.00
Project location: Chile
Post: Santiago
DFAT state office: Canberra
Creature/Criatura - An all ages immersive and participatory installation and performance exploring the wonder of Australian nature for Mexican Festivals
Grant recipient: Stalker Theatre / Box of Birds
Grant amount (excluding GST): $25,800.00
Project location: Mexico, Australia
Post: Mexico City
DFAT state office: Sydney