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Full text of JAEPA

The Japan–Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA) consists of two treaties – the Agreement between Australia and Japan for an Economic Partnership, and its Implementing Agreement.

This page presents the full text of both treaties. You can also read a summary of its chapters and annexes.

Text of the Japan–Australia Economic Partnership Agreement

Chapters 1 to 20 of the Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement [DOCX 221 KB] | [PDF 774 KB]

  1. Annex 1 – Tariff Schedules [DOCX 1.15 MB] | [PDF 14.2 MB]
  2. Annex 2 – Product-Specific Rules [DOCX 304 KB] | [PDF 3.04 MB]
  3. Annex 3 – Data Elements for Documentary Evidence of Origin [DOCX 23 KB] | [PDF 111 KB]
  4. Annex 4 – List of Essential Food [DOCX 21 KB] | [PDF 121 KB]
  5. Annex 5 – List of Energy and Mineral Resource Goods [DOCX 25 KB]| [PDF 70 KB]
  6. Annex 6 – Non-Conforming Measures Relating to Paragraph 1 of Articles 9.7 and 14.10 [DOCX 154 KB] | [PDF 855 KB]
  7. Annex 7 – Non-Conforming Measures Relating to Paragraph 2 of Articles 9.7 and 14.10 [DOCX 92 KB] | [PDF 476 KB]
  8. Annex 8 – Recognition of Qualifications of Service Suppliers [DOCX 20 KB] | [PDF 100 KB]
  9. Annex 9 – Financial Services [DOCX 20 KB] | [PDF 34 KB]
  10. Annex 10 – Specific Commitments on the Movement of Natural Persons [DOCX 26 KB] | [PDF 104 KB]
  11. Annex 11 – Subsidies [DOCX 19 KB] | [PDF 31 KB]
  12. Annex 12 – Expropriation [DOCX 18 KB] | [PDF 6 KB]
  13. Annex 13 – Government Procurement [DOCX 75 KB] | [PDF 225 KB]

Operational procedures

Operational Procedures

Government procurement thresholds

Japan's government procurement thresholds under JAEPA

Text of the Implementing Agreement

Implementing Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of Japan Pursuant to Article 1.12 of the Agreement between Australia and Japan for an Economic Partnership [DOCX 34 KB] | [PDF 155 KB]

Rules of procedure of arbitral tribunals

Rules of Procedure of Arbitral Tribunals [DOCX 45 KB] | [PDF 111 KB]

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