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MAFTA Quick Guide to Helping Australians to do Business in Malaysia

The Agreement allows for:

  • more Australian managers and specialists can work in Malaysia and stay for longer periods;
  • easier access to visas for spouses and dependants of Australians working in Malaysia for 12 months or longer;
  • Australian goods sellers and investors can enter and stay in Malaysia as "Business Visitors" for up to 90 days; and
  • a more timely and transparent visa application process for skilled personnel travelling to Malaysia.

In the financial services sector, Malaysia has increased the number of Australian senior managers and specialists allowed per organisation and extended the maximum period of stay from five to ten years.

Malaysia has removed all limitations on entry for Australian professionals in accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services sectors.

Malaysia has removed restrictions on the number of visas it gives to Australian providers of taxation services.

Malaysia now allows up to 30 per cent of lecturers at a private higher education institution to be Australian (up from 20 per cent).

Malaysia has increased the number of Australian architectural services suppliers allowed to operate in Malaysia from two to four and now allows Australian architects to work in Malaysia without the need to sit a local qualifying exam.

For more information see MAFTA Temporary Movement of Skilled Personnel Fact Sheet for Business.

Information correct as of 16 January 2013

Last Updated: 17 January 2013
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