Australia’s development partnership with Samoa

Australia is working closely with the Government of Samoa and the business community to actively support measures that facilitate decent work and economic empowerment, nurture an enabling business environment and stimulate long-term recovery and resilience. We are providing budget support through the Joint Policy Action Matrix (JPAM) – a collaboration between the Governments of Samoa, Australia and New Zealand, the European Union, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank – that leverages policy reforms to boost economic growth and resilience. We are investing in climate resilient infrastructure, including through the funding and construction of the Legislative Assembly Office.
Australia provided an additional AUD20.5 million (2020-22) to Samoa through the Pacific Regional COVID-19 Response Package to support the Government of Samoa mitigate the fiscal impacts of COVID-19 and to support the needs of the most vulnerable. Australia also provided an additional AUD20 million (2023-24) in budget support to Samoa under the Pacific Direct Financing Fund.
Related initiatives
Australia’s Budget Support Program
$50 million, 2023-31
Australia’s bilateral budget support program provides Samoa with budget certainty and control to deliver on its own priorities. Australia’s 2022 Assessment of National Systems update affirmed that Samoa’s systems are robust and there is a demonstrable commitment to continual improvement and lowering residual fiduciary risks. We will continue to utilise the Joint Policy Action Matrix (JPAM) mechanism to facilitate budget support payments aligned with the delivery of priority policy reforms agreed with Samoa.
Tautai: Governance for Economic Growth
$45 million, 2022-30
Tautai complements budget support by strengthening Samoa’s institutions of government, promoting equitable economic growth and supporting improved fiscal efficiency that reduces the country’s vulnerability to debt and external shocks. Tautai works directly with Samoa’s government agencies to support capacity and delivery of their own governance reforms and economic policy priorities, including by leveraging Australian and local expertise. In 2023-24, this included: Samoa’s Household Income & Expenditure Survey; public financial management (PFM); the ‘Talofa with a Smile’ public service reform initiative; and international tourism marketing capability.