The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) was signed in Santiago, Chile, on 8 March 2018.
Following conclusion of the deal on 23 January 2018 in Tokyo, Japan, the CPTPP text was subject to a process of legal review, translation and verification. English, French and Spanish language versions of the legally verified CPTPP text were released on 21 February 2018. The CPTPP text is equally authentic in English, French and Spanish. In the event of any inconsistencies, the English text will prevail.
For summaries of the CPTPP outcomes for Australia, refer to FTA information and outcomes documents.
For CPTPP chapter summaries, refer to FTA chapter summaries.
United Kingdom Accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
On 1 February 2021, the United Kingdom (UK) formally requested accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), and on 2 June 2021, CPTPP Parties via the CPTPP Commission agreed to formally commence accession negotiations with the United Kingdom.
On 16 July, CPTPP Ministers and the UK met in Auckland, New Zealand to formally sign the UK's Accession Protocol to enable the UK to join the CPTPP.
The UK Accession Protocol should be read in conjunction with CPTPP treaty text and the text of the original TPP.
- Text of the UK Accession Protocol (including party-specific tariff commitments to the UK) [PDF 1 MB]
- Annex 2-D - Tariff Schedule of the United Kingdom [PDF 142 KB]
- Tariff Schedule of the United Kingdom [PDF 50 MB]
- Appendix A - Tariff Rate Quotas of the United Kingdom [PDF 354 KB]
- Annex 12-A - The United Kingdom's Schedule of Commitments for Temporary Entry for Business Persons [PDF 451 KB]
- Annex 15-A - Schedule of the United Kingdom [PDF 722 KB]
- Annex I - Schedule of the United Kingdom [PDF 600 KB]
- Annex II - Schedule of the United Kingdom [PDF 818 KB]
- Annex III - Schedule of the United Kingdom [PDF 293 KB]
The following documents comprise the side letters between Australia and the United Kingdom.
- Agreement regarding Investor State Dispute Settlement – AUS to UK [PDF 108 KB]
- Agreement regarding Investor State Dispute Settlement – UK to AUS [PDF 604 KB]
- Agreement on Intellectual Property Grace Period – AUS to UK [PDF 929 KB]
- Agreement on Intellectual Property Grace Period – UK to AUS [PDF 764 KB]
Text of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
The CPTPP is a separate treaty that incorporates, by reference, the provisions of the original Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) signed by Ministers on 4 February 2016 in Auckland, New Zealand. Under the CPTPP, signatories have implemented the original TPP between them, with the exception of a limited number of provisions which will be suspended. Suspensions will remain in place until the Parties agree to end them, by consensus.
The CPTPP treaty text should be read in conjunction with the text of the original TPP:
- Text of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) [PDF 185 KB]
- Text of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) [DOCX 34 KB]
Text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
CPTPP associated documents
On 16 July 2023, bilateral arrangements ('side letters') with the UK were concluded in Auckland, New Zealand. The following documents comprise the side letters between Australia and the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom
- Agreement regarding Investor State Dispute Settlement – AUS to UK [PDF 108 KB]
- Agreement regarding Investor State Dispute Settlement – UK to AUS [PDF 604 KB]
- Agreement on Intellectual Property Grace Period – AUS to UK [PDF 929 KB]
- Agreement on Intellectual Property Grace Period – UK to AUS [PDF 764 KB]
On 8 March 2018, bilateral arrangements ('side letters') were concluded in Santiago, Chile. The following documents comprise the side letters between Australia and other CPTPP countries.
- Agreement between Australia and Canada regarding the Canadian Cultural Industries Sector [PDF 60 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Canada regarding the Canadian Cultural Industries Sector [DOCX 190 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Canada regarding customs duties on Australian beef [PDF 59 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Canada regarding customs duties on Australian beef [DOCX 194 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Canada regarding automotive rules of origin [PDF 59 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Canada regarding automotive rules of origin [DOCX 183 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Canada to maintain bilateral understandings [PDF 59 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Canada to maintain bilateral understandings [DOCX 128 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Chile to maintain TPP bilateral agreements [PDF 60 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Chile to maintain TPP bilateral agreements [DOCX 154 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Chile regarding Electronic Payment Services [PDF 60 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Chile regarding Electronic Payment Services [DOCX 139 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Chile regarding Article 18.47 [PDF 106 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Chile regarding Article 18.47 [DOCX 141 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Japan regarding Rice [PDF 152 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Japan regarding Rice [DOCX 110 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Malaysia to maintain TPP bilateral understandings [PDF 60 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Malaysia to maintain TPP bilateral understandings [DOCX 188 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Mexico regarding Distinctive Products [PDF 79 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Mexico regarding Distinctive Products [DOCX 142 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Mexico regarding Termination of Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement [PDF 60 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Mexico regarding Termination of Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement [DOCX 149 KB]
New Zealand
- Agreement between Australia and New Zealand regarding Investor State Dispute Settlement, Trade Remedies and Transport Services [PDF 63 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and New Zealand regarding Investor State Dispute Settlement, Trade Remedies and Transport Services [DOCX 94 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Peru to maintain TPP bilateral agreements [PDF 60 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Peru to maintain TPP bilateral agreements [DOCX 128 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Peru to maintain TPP bilateral understandings [PDF 59 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Peru to maintain TPP bilateral understandings [DOCX 124 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Viet Nam to maintain TPP bilateral agreements [PDF 59 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Viet Nam to maintain TPP bilateral agreements [DOCX 80 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Viet Nam to maintain TPP bilateral understandings [PDF 59 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Viet Nam to maintain TPP bilateral understandings [DOCX 86 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Viet Nam regarding the Cyber Security Law of Viet Nam [PDF 60 KB
- Agreement between Australia and Viet Nam regarding the Cyber Security Law of Viet Nam [DOCX 86 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Viet Nam regarding disputes related to the Labour Chapter of the TPP [PDF 63 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Viet Nam regarding disputes related to the Labour Chapter of the TPP [DOCX 84 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Viet Nam regarding Electronic Payment Services [PDF 63 KB]
- Agreement between Australia and Viet Nam regarding Electronic Payment Services [DOCX 86 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Viet Nam regarding Article 18.47 [PDF 59 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Viet Nam regarding Article 18.47 [DOCX 83 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Viet Nam regarding Article 18.53 [PDF 59 KB]
- Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and Viet Nam regarding Article 18.53 [DOCX 154 KB]
Dispute settlement
On 19 January 2019, the CPTPP Commission adopted the following decisions relating to dispute settlement:
- A decision [PDF 82 KB] | [DOCX 17 KB] to create rules of procedure [PDF 187 KB] | [DOCX 54KB] and a code of conduct [PDF 114 KB] | [DOCX 33 KB] for disputes involving Parties to the CPTPP; and
- A decision [PDF 81 KB] | [DOCX 81 KB] to create a code of conduct [PDF 138 KB] | [DOCX 138 KB] for investor-State dispute settlement.