
May 2024
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Estimated Australian ODA: 2024-25: $53.2m
Gross National Income Per Capita: USD2,310 (2022)
Population: 7.5 mil (2022)
Australian ODA | 2022-23 Actual ($m)* | 2023-24 Budget Estimate ($m)* | 2024-25 Budget Estimate ($m)* |
Country Programs | 21.8 | 23.1 | 24.1 |
Regional | 23.9 | 13.5 | 23.7 |
Global | 5.3 | 6.0 | 5.4 |
Other Government Departments | - | 5.0 | - |
Total ODA to Laos | 51.0 | 47.7 | 53.2 |
*Due to rounding, discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items in totals
Australia and Laos enjoy a long and fruitful partnership. 2024 marks the 72nd year of our unbroken diplomatic relationship.
In March 2024, we elevated our relationship to a Comprehensive Partnership, further deepening people-to-people links and expanding cooperation in key sectors for Laos. Australia continues to contribute to Laos' economic development through the bilateral program and regional partnerships, including initiatives under the Mekong–Australia Partnership and Partnerships for Infrastructure (P4I).
Strategic direction
Australia is investing in human capability, economic resilience, sustainable resource management, climate mitigation and the clean energy transition in Laos. The most vulnerable groups in Lao society, including women and girls, people with disabilities and ethnic minorities, are central to our engagement. Australia is also supporting Laos to deliver its ASEAN Chair Year.
Program highlights
- Distributed 555,000 new Grade 5 textbooks and supported teacher training nationwide; marking the completion of the national primary curriculum revision for all five grades and contributing to improved literacy outcomes for all Lao children.
- Helped Laos' economic recovery through trade, private sector and public finance management reform programs. 202 SMEs were provided matching grants to recover from COVID-19 and respond to economic shocks.
- Supported Laos to strengthen water governance, energy transition and climate actions through new regulations, guidelines, and capacity building.
- Strengthened Laos' research capability and evidence-based policy making in fish passages, forest plantation and groundwater irrigation through ACIAR research collaboration.
- scholarships to study at world-class Australian higher education institutions.
- Supported Laos' human resource development agenda through trainings and short courses for 303 Lao individuals.
- Committed to support Australia's World Mosquito Program to reduce dengue fever cases in Vientiane Capital through distribution of Wolbachia-infected mosquitos.