The executive of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
(L to R) Deputy Secretaries Tony Sheehan, Richard Maude, Clare Walsh, Secretary Frances Adamson, Deputy Secretaries Christopher Langman, Penny Williams PSM and Head of the Office of the Pacific, Ewen McDonald [DFAT/Linda Roche]
The department’s purpose is to make Australia stronger, safer and more prosperous, to provide timely and responsive consular and passport services, and to ensure a secure Australian Government presence overseas.
Our 2018–19 Corporate Plan is aligned with the 2017 Foreign Policy White Paper and outlines how the department will achieve its purpose. The plan also sets out the department’s efforts to reshape itself and align its capabilities to seize opportunities and protect Australia’s interests in the face of global complexity and uncertainty. A case in point is our new Office of the Pacific which brings together expertise across government in support of Australia’s step-up agenda for the Pacific.
In support of our ministers, the Secretary, five deputy secretaries and the head of the Office of the Pacific lead the department’s work in Australia and overseas.
We work closely with our portfolio partners, colleagues across government, business and civil society to promote and protect Australia’s interests internationally and contribute to economic growth and global stability.
This report sets out how we advanced Australia’s interests during the year. It details what we did, why we did it, the challenges we faced, the impact we made and who benefited from our efforts. In particular, this report seeks to measure our performance in relation to indicators listed against each of our seven Corporate Plan priorities (see Figure 1).
Measuring policy performance is inherently difficult and the dynamic international environment only adds to the complexity. The department seeks to ensure that our assessments of policy performance are supported by verifiable evidence.
The ratings we applied in the annual performance statement represent the following:
We met our goal.
On track
The activity is ongoing and we have made progress towards our goal. In some cases we qualified our rating on the basis that progress towards our broader objective was under strain.
Not on track
We did not achieve our goal.
The activity is ongoing but we have not made satisfactory progress towards our goal.
Infographic of Corporate Plan Priority Functions and outcomes and programs structure, 2018¬19.
Corporate Plan (CP) Purpose: To make Australia stronger, safer and more prosperous, to provide timely and responsive consular and passport services, and to ensure a secure Australian Government presence overseas. Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS):
Outcome 1: The advancement of Australia’s international strategic, security and economic interests including through bilateral, regional and multilateral engagement on Australian Government foreign, trade and international development policy priorities.
Promote a stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific: CP priority 1:
PBS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 (p. 21).
Pursue our economic, trade and investment agenda for opportunity: CP priority 2:
PBS 1.1, 1.4 (p. 39).
Keep Australia and Australians safe and secure: CP priority 3:
PBS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 (p. 53).
Deliver an innovative development assistance program: CP priority 4:
PBS 1.2, 1.3 (p. 63).
Advance global cooperation: CP priority 5:
PBS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6 (p. 79).
PBS: Outcome 2: The protection and welfare of Australians abroad and access to secure international travel documentation through timely and responsive travel advice and consular and passports services in Australia and overseas. Support Australians overseas: CP priority 6:
PBS 2.1, 2.2 (p. 91).
PBS: Outcome 3: A secure Australian Government presence overseas through the provision of security services and information and communications technology infrastructure, and the management of the Commonwealth’s overseas property estate. Provide a secure and effective overseas presence: CP priority 7:
PBS 3.1, 3.2 (p. 103). PBS 1.1 Foreign affairs and trade operations. PBS 1.2 Official Development Assistance. PBS 1.3 Official Development Assistance ¬ multilateral replenishments. PBS 1.4 Payments to international organisations. PBS 1.5 New Colombo Plan. PBS 1.6 Public information services
Figure 2
Figure 2: Foreign Affairs and Trade Portfolio Structure as at 30 June 2019
Figure 2: Foreign Affairs and Trade Portfolio Structure as at 30 June 2019
Figure 2: Foreign Affairs and Trade Portfolio Structure as at 30 June 2019
Flow chart of portfolio structure: Minister for Foreign Affairs Senator the Hon Marise Payne; Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham; Minister for International Development and the Pacific The Hon Alex Hawke MP; Assistant Trade and Investment Minister The Hon Mark Coulton MP; Assistant Minister for Regional Tourism Senator the Hon Jonathon Duniam. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Secretary Ms Frances Adamson. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Chief Executive Officer Professor Andrew Campbell. Australian Secret Intelligence Service. Director-General Mr Paul Symon AO. Australian Trade and Investment Commission. Chief Executive Officer Dr Stephanie Fahey. Tourism Australia. Chair Mr Bob East; Managing Director Mr John O’Sullivan. Export Finance and Insurance Corporation. Chair Mr James Millar AM; Managing Director and CEO Ms Swati Dave.
Flow chart of the organisational structure as at 30 June 2019: Secretary: Frances Adamson; Executive Branch: Assistant Secretary/Chief Risk Officer Suzanne McCourt/Angela Robinson; Strategic Policy, Contestability and Futures Branch: Assistant Secretary Keith Scott; Internal Audit Branch: Chief Auditor Rachel Harris; Services Delivery Group: Deputy Secretary Penny Williams PSM; People Division: Chief People Officer Daniel Sloper; Finance Division: Chief Finance Officer Murali Venugopal; Diplomatic Security Division: Chief Security Officer Luke Williams; Diplomatic Academy: Executive Director Paula Ganly; Information Management and Technology Division: Chief Information Officer Tim Spackman; Australian Passport Office: Executive Director Ross Tysoe AO; Overseas Property Office and Services: Executive Director Kevin Nixon; Contracting and Aid Management Division: First Assistant Secretary Beth Delaney; Protocol Branch: Acting Chief of Protocol Pamela O’Grady: Trade, Investment and Business Engagement Group: Deputy Secretary Christopher Langman; Office of Trade Negotiations: First Assistant Secretary George Mina; Chief Negotiator EU FTA Alison Burrows; Investment and Economic Division: First Assistant Secretary and Ambassador for APEC Simon Newnham; Acting Chief Economist (Trade and Investment) Tony Coles; Regional Trade Agreements Division: First Assistant Secretary James Baxter; Chief Negotiator Elizabeth Ward; Europe and Latin America Division: First Assistant Secretary Cathy Raper; Office of the Pacific*: Head of Office Ewen McDonald; Pacific Strategy Division: First Assistant Secretary Kathy Klugman; Pacific Bilateral Division: First Assistant Secretary James Gilling; Indo-Pacific Group: Deputy Secretary Richard Maude; Southeast Asia Division: First Assistant Secretary Julie Heckscher; North Asia Division: Acting First Assistant Secretary Elly Lawson; US and Indo-Pacific Strategy Division: First Assistant Secretary Philip Green OAM; South and West Asia Division: First Assistant Secretary Lachlan Strahan; International Security, Humanitarian and Consular Group: Deputy Secretary Tony Sheehan; International Security Division: First Assistant Secretary Amanda Gorely; Ambassador for Cyber Affairs Tobias Feakin; Ambassador for Counter-Terrorism Paul Foley PSM; Ambassador for People Smuggling and Human Trafficking Bryce Hutchesson; Consular and Crisis Management Division: First Assistant Secretary Andrew Todd; Humanitarian, NGOs and Partnerships Division: First Assistant Secretary Jamie Isbister; Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office: Director General Robert Floyd; Legal Division: Chief Legal Officer James Larsen; Middle East and Africa Division: First Assistant Secretary HK Yu PSM; Global Cooperation, Development and Partnerships Group: Deputy Secretary Clare Walsh; Multilateral Policy Division: First Assistant Secretary Justin Lee; Ambassador for the Environment Patrick Suckling; Development Policy Division: Acting First Assistant Secretary Cate Rogers; Centre for Health Security: Ambassador for Regional Health Security Peter Versegi; Office of Development Effectiveness: Assistant Secretary Robert Christie; innovationXchange: Chief Innovation Officer/Chief Scientist Sarah Pearson; Multilateral Development and Finance Division: Chief Economist (Development) Chris Tinning; Soft Power, Communications and Scholarships Division: First Assistant Secretary Andrew Byrne. *Office of the Pacific is also responsible for enhancing whole-of-government coordination in the Pacific.