Australia’s development program
The deadline for written submissions on the Government’s new international development policy closed on 30 November 2022.
All submissions have been prepared independently and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government.
Submissions with no link indicate the author has requested the submission be handled in confidence.
- Absolve
- Accenture Australia
- ACFID Humanitarian Reference Group (HRG)
- ACFID Urban Community of Practice
- Act for Peace
- ActionAid Australia
- Adam McCarty, Mekong Economic Ltd
- Alan March
- Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP)
- Andrew Rowell
- Anna Gibert
- Ashley Brooks
- Asia Pacific Development Diplomacy Defence Dialogue (AP4D)
- Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (APF)
- Asia Pacific Network of Refugees (APNOR)
- Asialink
- Asian Development Bank Pacific Department (ADB PARD)
- Asian Development Bank Southeast Asia Department (ADB SERD)
- Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM)
- Australia Africa Universities Network
- Australia Asia Pacific Media Initiative (AAPMI)
- Australia Pacific and Asia Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Network
- Australian Academy of Science (AAS)
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
- Australian Business Volunteers (ABV)
- Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH)
- Australian Centre for Pacific Islands Research
- Australian Civil Society Coalition on Women Peace and Security
- Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
- Australian Council for International Development (ACFID)
- Australian Disability + Development Consortium (ADDC)
- Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)
- Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO)
- Australian Feminist Foreign Policy Coalition (AFFPC)
- Australian Global Health Alliance
- Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
- Australian International Development Network (AIDN)
- Australian Network of World Health Organization Collaborating Centres (WHOCCs)
- Australian Red Cross
- Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN)
- Australian Volunteers International (AVI)
- Australian WASH Reference Group
- Australian Water Association (AWA)
- Australia-Vietnam Leadership Dialogue (AVLD)
- Beasley Intercultural
- Bridging Peoples
- Burnet Institute
- CARE Australia
- Caritas Australia
- Catalpa International
- Catherine Lovelock
- CBM Australia
- CDP Global
- Centre for Adolescent Health
- Centre for Global Health and Equity, Swinburne University
- Centre for Political and Diplomatic Studies (CPDS)
- Cheshire disAbility Services, PNG
- ChildFund Australia and Plan International Australia
- Children and Youth Focused INGOs
- Christopher Dureau
- Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA)
- Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
- Consultative Implementation and Monitoring Council and Civil Society Organisations (CIMC CSO)
- Commission for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)
- Crawford Fund
- Cross Sector Development Partnerships Initiative (XSPI)
- Daniel Mandell
- Darren Lim
- Development Intelligence Lab
- Development Intelligence Lab, Regional Voices
- Development Pathways
- Development Policy Centre, Australian National University (ANU)
- Development Studies Association of Australia
- Disability Rights Advocacy Fund (DRAF)
- District Zhob, Balochistan
- Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED)
- DT Global
- East Timor Hearts Fund (ETHF)
- Eastern Regional Org for Planning and Human Settlements (EAROPH)
- Edge Effect
- Empius, Sharon Cowden
- Essential Need
- Equality Australia and Global Philanthropy Project
- Every Breath Counts Coalition
- eWater Ltd
- Exemplar
- Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
- Fairer Future, Foundation for Effective Markets and Governance (FEMAG)
- Fairfax Consultants, Meghan Toka and Dame Carol Kidu
- Federal Court of Australia
- Fred Hollows Foundation
- Geraldo Sarmento Ximenes
- Global Citizen
- Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)
- Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI TOC)
- Global Landcare
- Global Trade Professional Alliance (GTPA)
- Good Return
- Group of Eight Australia
- Habitat for Humanity Australia (HFHA)
- Humanitarian Advisory Group (HAG)
- InDev Media
- Indonesia Organisation of Persons with Disabilities
- Institute for Global Development, University of New South Wales (IGD UNSW)
- Institute for Human Security and Social Change, La Trobe University (IHSSC)
- Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology (UTS ISF)
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
- International Development Contractors Community (IDCC)
- International Disability Alliance (IDA)
- International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES)
- International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA)
- International Needs Australia (INA)
- International Organisation for Migration (IOM)
- International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
- International Service for Human Rights
- International Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (ISRHR) Consortium
- International SOS Australasia
- Ipas
- Jane Stanley
- Jim Redden
- Joint Church Agencies Network (CAN)
- Julian Egan
- Kathryn Harries
- Keren Winterford, Deborah Rhodes, Christopher Dureau
- Kevin Evans
- Krishneil Maharaj
- Kyeema Foundation
- Land Equity International (LEI)
- Law Council of Australia
- Live & Learn Environmental Education
- McCabe Centre for Law & Cancer
- Melbourne Centre for Cities (MC4C)
- Mercy Works Sisters of Mercy in Australia and Papua New Guinea
- Monash University
- MSI Asia Pacific (MSIAP)
- National Association Of Australian Teachers of the Deaf (NAATD)
- National Council of Churches in Australia
- National Disaster Centre, PNG
- National Security College, Australian National University (NSC ANU)
- Oaktree
- Oxfam Australia
- Pacific Adventist University (PAU)
- Pacific Community (SPC)
- Pacific Friends of Global Health
- Pacific Island Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (PIANGO)
- Pacific Islands Council of Queensland (PICQ)
- Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIF)
- Pacific Urban Partnership
- Pacific-Australia Submission
- Pakistan Planning Committee
- Palladium
- Partners for Reproductive Justice (IPAS)
- Peace and Conflict Studies Institute Australia (PaCSIA)
- Perth USAsia Centre
- Peter Devereux
- Policy Advisory Council for International Agricultural Research and Development (PAC)
- Product Development Partnerships (PDPs)
- Public Services International (PSI)
- Refugee Council of Australia (RCAO)
- Research for Development Impact Network (RDI)
- Results International Australia
- Richard Heller - Emeritus Professor Universities of Manchester and Newcastle
- Richard Mathews
- Richard Moore
- Riverreach Consulting
- Royal Life Saving Society Australia
- Ryan Blake
- Satish Chand
- Save the Children
- Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific (SISEAP)
- Sports Diplomacy Alliance
- Standards Australia (SA)
- Stop TB Partnership Secretariat
- Tax Justice Network Australia and the Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania
- Tearfund
- Tetra Tech International Development
- The Asia Foundation (TAF)
- The Australia-Indonesia Centre
- The Commonwealth Local Government Forum
- The Hands of Rescue (THOR)
- The Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania; the Pacific Islands Council of Queensland Inc; the Pacific Islands Council of South Australia and the NSW Council for Pacific Communities
- The Voice Inc.
- Transparency International Australia (TI AU)
- UHC2030 Core Team
- UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
- UN Women
- Union Aid Abroad APHEDA
- United Nations Association of Australia and Melbourne University Initiative for Peacebuilding
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- United Nations Joint SDG Fund
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
- United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Multi Partner Trust Fund (UNPRPD-MPTF)
- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
- United Nations World Food Programme (UN WFP)
- United Nations Population Fund, PNG (UNFPA PNG)
- United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP)
- University of Melbourne
- University of Queensland (UQ)
- University of Queensland Sustainable Minerals Institute
- University of Sydney
- Victoria Pearce, Endangered Heritage Pty Ltd
- Vision 2020
- Walk Free
- WaterAid and Australian Water Partnership (AWP)
- Wendy Jarvie
- World Vision Australia
- WWF Australia
Submissions and confidentiality
As per the international development policy written submission guidelines, submissions are treated as public unless the author has specifically requested that the submission, or part thereof, be handled in-confidence. Unless otherwise requested, DFAT has published the submission and the name of the submitting organisation or individual on its website.
DFAT will not edit submissions prior to publishing. All details that have been included in a submission, including contact information, will be available on the DFAT website.
DFAT will not publish submissions that include content that is offensive, discriminatory, illegal or defamatory to any third party and/or contains threatening or aggressive language. See DFAT's website disclaimer.
By making a submission, the author(s) agree to their submission, or part thereof, being used by the Commonwealth of Australia for Commonwealth purposes.
Please email the Development Policy team at if you have any queries.