Guide to the report
This is the Secretary’s report to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Trade and Investment on the performance of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade during the financial year 2014–15.
The report is prepared in accordance with the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Requirements for Annual Reports, as approved on behalf of the Parliament by the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit on 25 June 2015. It includes performance reporting against the outcomes and programs structure for the foreign affairs and trade portfolio as outlined in the Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS) 2014–15.
In this report, the structure of performance reporting against Outcome 1 differs from the PBS programs structure to better reflect the operations of the integrated department. In many cases, chapters align to the integrated work of divisions that are responsible for delivering functions funded by more than one—or components of more than one—PBS program. As a result, individual chapters may include reporting against more than one PBS program.
Details of expenditure against PBS programs are included in Appendix 4. Where a PBS program is the subject of reporting in more than one chapter, further details of expenditure, referenced by chapter, is provided in Appendix 5.
The report includes a review of the department’s performance in 2014–15 in relation to the deliverables and key performance indicators (KPIs) of its programs. Applicable deliverables and KPIs are listed at the beginning of each chapter in Section 2. Where the same deliverable and KPI applies to more than one chapter, the relevant text of the deliverable and KPI is reproduced with a rating for that chapter.
Performance benchmarks for the expenditure of official development assistance (ODA) exist only in relation to country and regional programs and were listed in Aid Program Performance Reports for 2013–14. Detailed performance reporting against these benchmarks for this reporting period will be included in Aid Program Performance Reports for 2014–15, to be published in November 2015. Performance reporting in relation to other ODA expenditure relates to the achievement of significant development results.
Full-year reporting has been provided for all programs. Trend information is provided where possible.
Information and statistics, unless otherwise indicated, cover the financial year 2014–15, or relate to the situation as at 30 June 2015. Trade, investment and country statistics, where provided, do not form part of the department’s performance reporting but are included as background information. They relate to calendar year 2014. All dollars are Australian unless otherwise specified.
Section 1 contains the Secretary’s review and the departmental overview, including the organisational structure, outcomes and program structure and portfolio outcome structure.
Section 2 reports on the department’s performance, including against deliverables and KPIs.
Section 3 reports on corporate governance, external scrutiny, and management of human and financial resources.
Section 4 contains appendixes providing reports required under specific legislation and useful additional information.
Section 5 contains the audited financial statements for 2014–15.
Section 6 contains reference material, including the list of requirements.