Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Notes to and Forming Part of the Financial Statements

Note 19: Administered – Fair Value Measurements

Financial liabilities:

Note 19A: Fair Value Measurements, Valuation Techniques and Inputs Used
Fair value measurements at the end of the reporting period using For Levels 2 and 3 fair value measurements
2015 2014 Level (1, 2 or 3) Valuation technique(s)1 Inputs used2
$’000 $’000
Financial assets:
    Other investments:
        Non-monetary ‘available for sale’ 1,936,071 1,544,835 3 Discounted cash flow method A discounted rate range is used to discount the expected loan principal repayments of the loan portfolio of IDA and ADF
        IDA and ADF subscriptions  
        Investment in the Export Finance and 436,800 225,926 3 Net asset position Balance sheet of the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation’s Commercial Account
       Insurance Corporation’s Commercial Account  
        Tourism Australia 19,502 16,323 3 Net asset position Balance sheet of Tourism Australia
Total financial assets 2,392,373 1,787,084
Non-financial assets:
    Leasehold Improvements 1,661 2,127 3 Depreciated replacement cost Replacement cost
  Consumed economic benefits and obsolescence
    Property, Plant and Equipment 18 18 2 Market approach Adjusted market transactions
Total non-financial assets 1,679 2,145
Total fair value measurements of assets in the administered schedule of assets and liabilities 2,394,052 1,789,229
    Multilateral grants 590,449 590,525 3 Discounted cash flow method A discounted rate range and a 10 year government bond rate is used to discount the expected payment schedules of each loan agreement
    Multilateral contributions payable 892,360 1,068,853 3 Discounted cash flow method A discounted rate range and a 10 year government bond rate is used to discount the expected payment schedules of each loan agreement
Total financial liabilities 1,482,809 1,659,378
Total fair value measurements of liabilities in the administered schedule of assets and liabilities 1,482,809 1,659,378
There have been no transfers between levels during the year (2014: nil). DFAT’s policy for determining when transfers between levels are deemed to have occurred can be found in Note 1.11.
Fair value measurements – highest and best use differs from current use for non-financial assets
The department’s Administered assets are held for operational purposes and not held for the purposes of deriving a profit. The current use of all controlled assets is considered their highest and best use.
Recurring and non-recurring level 3 fair value measurements – valuation processes
Office equipment and artwork were also subject to valuation in the current financial year. All other assets were subject to an independent review as at 30 June 2015 to ensure all asset classes were held at fair value. There is no change in the carrying valuation or valuation techniques used from previous years. The department had no non-recurring fair value measurements as at 30 June 2015.
1. There have been no changes to valuation techniques used.
2. There were no significant inter-relationships between unobservable inputs that materially affect fair value.
3. The future economic benefits of the department’s assets are not primarily dependent on their ability to generate cash flows. DFAT has not disclosed quantitative information about the significant unobservable inputs for the department’s assets.


Note 19B: Reconciliation for recurring Level 3 fair value measurements
Recurring Level 3 fair value measurements – reconciliation for assets
  Financial assets Non-financial assets
  Investments Total Leasehold improvements Total
  2015 2015 2015 2015
  $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000
Opening balance – 1 July 2014 1,787,084 1,787,084 2,127 2,127
    Total gains/(losses) recognised in net cost of services1 391,236 391,236 (453) (453)
    Total gains recognised in other comprehensive income2 14,053 14,053
    Reclassification (13) (13)
    Purchases 200,000 200,000
Closing balance – 30 June 2015 2,392,373 2,392,373 1,661 1,661
Changes in unrealised gains/(losses) recognised in net cost of services for assets held at the end of the reporting period3
Financial assets Non-financial assets
Non-monetary ‘available for sale’ IDA and ADF Subscriptions Total Leasehold improvements Total
2014 2014 2014 2014
$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000
Opening balance – 1 July 2013 1,730,296 1,730,296
    Assets first assessed as Level 3 – 30 June 2014 2,127 2,127
    Total gains recognised in net cost of services1 56,788 56,788
Closing balance – 30 June 2014 1,787,084 1,787,084 2,127 2,127
Changes in unrealised gains/(losses) recognised in net cost of services for assets held at the end of the reporting period3
Recurring Level 3 fair value measurements – reconciliation for liabilities
    Financial Liabilities
    Multilateral grants Multilateral contributions payable Total
    2015 2015 2015
    $’000 $’000 $’000
Opening balance – 1 July 2014   590,525 1,068,853 1,659,378
    Total gains recognised in net cost of services4   18,109 87,468 105,577
    Purchases   106,868 106,868
    Settlements   (125,053) (263,961) (389,014)
Closing balance – 30 June 2015   590,449 892,360 1,482,809
Changes in unrealised gains/(losses) recognised in net cost of services for assets held at the end of the reporting period  
Financial Liabilities
Multilateral grants Multilateral contributions payable Total
2014 2014 2014
$’000 $’000 $’000
Opening balance – 1 July 2013 492,252 898,042 1,390,294
    Total gains/(losses) recognised in net cost of services4 (62,378) (73,279) (135,657)
    Purchases 265,089 483,741 748,830
    Settlements (104,438) (239,651) (344,089)
Closing balance – 30 June 2014 590,525 1,068,853 1,659,378
Changes in unrealised gains/(losses) recognised in net cost of services for assets held at the end of the reporting period
1. These gains/(losses) are represented in the Administered Schedule of Comprehensive Income and in Notes 18D and 21A.
2. These gains/(losses) are represented in the Administered Schedule of Comprehensive income under Movement in the carrying amount of investments.
3. There are no unrealised gains (losses) for level 3 assets in the Administered Schedule of Comprehensive Income as at both 30 June 2015 and 30 June 2014.
4. These gains/(losses) are represented in the Administered Schedule of Comprehensive Income and in Notes 17E, 17G, and 18B.