Appendix 9 Ecologically sustainable development and environmental performance
This appendix comprises the department’s report on its ecologically sustainable development and environmental performance as required by Section 516A of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (the EPBC Act).
The department continued to ensure that policy activities, administration of legislated activities and other operations accorded with and enacted ecologically sustainable development principles. The department pursued these principles through a combination of multilateral environmental agreements, international legal frameworks, foreign, trade and development policies and property and corporate management policies. These principles were also applied in the department’s public diplomacy.
Outcome 1:
The advancement of Australia’s international strategic, security and economic interests including through bilateral, regional and multilateral engagement on Australian Government foreign, trade and international development priorities.
The department worked with other countries to further international cooperation on climate change, including through negotiations on a new global agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, to be concluded by the end of 2015 and to come into effect from 2020. The department also worked closely with international partners in achieving United Nations consensus to develop a global treaty to improve the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction.
With the Australian Antarctic Division of the Department of the Environment, the department continued to build international support for the establishment of a network of marine protected areas in East Antarctica. The department also supported whole-of-government efforts to deter and prevent illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing in the Southern Ocean and Indo-Pacific, resulting in regional partners taking action against IUU vessels.
The department’s international development assistance program was delivered in accordance with the principles of ecological sustainability underpinned by Commonwealth environmental legislation and regulations, including the EPBC Act, Australia’s development policy, environmental laws and regulations of partner governments, and relevant multilateral environment agreements.
Australia’s development policy Australian aid: promoting prosperity, reducing poverty, enhancing stability commits to actively managing risks to people and their environment by applying mandatory safeguards policies. The department’s Environment Protection Policy for the Aid Program, November 2014, provides a framework for the management of environmental safeguards in aid investments. The policy ensures aid activities comply with the department’s environmental obligations. All investments, regardless of the monetary value or delivery approach, must be assessed for potential environmental impacts in accordance with the policy.
Implementation of the policy is supported by operational guidance, aid management systems, quality and performance frameworks that monitor compliance with environmental safeguards and technical advice and support from a panel of experts through the Environment Helpdesk.
Environmental management services to all properties in the domestic leased estate are delivered under the department’s Property Management Services contract with DTZ. Under the contract, DTZ provides:
- monitoring and reporting on the impact of the department’s business on the environment;
- identification, costings and, where cost effective, implementation environmental initiatives;
- business cases to obtain funding for the implementation of major environmental initiatives;
- information for DFAT mandatory reporting including Energy Efficiency in Government Operations, National Waste Policy, National Packaging Convention and WaterMAPS; and
- strategic advice on environmental management policy and government direction.
DTZ is also required to remain up-to-date and compliant with any changes in relevant legislation, regulation and policy.
The department fulfilled whole-of-government reporting on the ICT Sustainability Plan and the Australian Packaging Covenant. The department collated energy usage according to the metrics outlined in Energy Efficiency in Government Operations Policy and used this information to target initiatives and energy efficiency works. The department maintained involvement in the Government Agency Environment Network.
The department’s leased headquarters in the RG Casey Building in Canberra is currently undergoing refurbishment. This work is expected to be completed in 2015 and will contribute to improved environmental performance. The department’s leased premises at 255 London Circuit Canberra received an accredited 4.5 star National Australian Built Environment Rating System energy rating for offices based on a number of features, including an environmentally sustainable cooling system and grey water recycling.
Outcome 2:
The protection and welfare of Australians abroad and access to secure international travel documentation through timely and responsive travel advice and consular and passport services in Australia and overseas.
All Australian passports issued during the reporting period were printed on Australian Paper’s 100 per cent carbon neutral, environmentally friendly paper range.
Outcome 3:
A secure Australian Government presence overseas through the provision of security services and information and communication technology infrastructure, and the management of the Commonwealth’s overseas property estate.
In the overseas estate, environmental performance is a core part of all major new construction projects. A key component is the environmental management of the construction activities through development of a project-specific environmental management plan and environmental monitoring unit. Environmental monitoring and management through the construction phase includes air quality, noise levels, and waste water management. Contractors are also required to recycle to the fullest extent possible, manage all diesel and lubricant storage, and provide environmental protection in the form of site hoarding, fences and screens to minimise impact on the surrounding area.