Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Notes to and Forming Part of the Financial Statements

Note 30: Special Accounts


Expositions Special Account (Administered)1 Consular Services Special Account (Administered)2 Administered Payments and Receipts Account for Other Entities Special Account (Administered)3 Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys – DFAT Special Account (Administered)4
2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014
$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000
Balance brought forward from previous period 994 994 34 45 5,000 5,000 443 629
    Costs recovered 196 180 272,309 260,143
    Other receipts 11,703 1,938
Total increases 196 180 272,309 260,143 11,703 1,938
Available for payments 994 994 230 225 277,309 265,143 12,146 2,567
    Payments made to suppliers (272,309) (260,143) (4,747) (2,124)
Total administered (192) (191) (272,309) (260,143) (4,747) (2,124)
Total decreases (192) (191) (272,309) (260,143) (4,747) (2,124)
Total balance carried to the next period 994 994 38 34 5,000 5,000 7,399 443


Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys – AusAID Special Account (Administered)5 Australia-Indonesia Partnership Reconstruction and Development (Loans) Special Account (Administered)6 Australia-Indonesia Partnership Reconstruction and Development (Loans) Special Account (Administered)7 Overseas Property Special Account (Departmental)8
2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014
$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000
Balance brought forward from previous period 6,535 8,050 38,057 77,595 281,327 431,246
    Costs recovered 36,650 526
    Realised investments 165,098 82,881
    Other receipts 2,078 11,431 18,775
Total increases 2,078 11,431 18,775 201,748 83,407
Available for payments 8,613 19,481 38,057 77,595 18,775 483,075 514,653
    Payments made to employees (3,361) (2,771)
    Payments made to suppliers (272,255) (150,611)
    Return of capital and dividends (79,944)
Total departmental decreases (275,616) (233,326)
    Payments made to suppliers (2,550) (12,946) (19,282) (39,538) (8,800)
    Payments made to other (6,063) (18,775)
    Transfers to consolidated revenue fund (9,975)
Total administered decreases (8,613) (12,946) (38,057) (39,538) (18,775)
Total decreases (8,613) (12,946) (38,057) (39,538) (18,775) (275,616) (233,326)
Total balance carried to the next period 6,535 38,057 207,459 281,327
1.     Appropriation:   Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 section 20
Establishing Instrument:   Financial Management and Accountability (Special Accounts) Determination 2007/14
    (a)   to acquire, lease, hire, construct, manage, operate, repair, maintain, identify and advise on, and undertake any other activities in relation to Australia’s participation at international expositions
    (b)     activities that are incidental to a purpose mentioned in paragraph (a)
    (c)   to reduce the balance of the Special Account (and, therefore, the available appropriation for the Special Account) without making a real or notional payment
    (d)   to repay amounts where an Act or other law requires or permits the repayment of an amount received.
This special account determination is to sunset on 1 October 2017.
2.     Appropriation:   Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 section 20
Establishing Instrument: Financial Management and Accountability (Special Accounts) Determination 2005/38
    (a)   providing assistance to Australian citizens and permanent residents overseas:
        (i)   in circumstances of urgency
        (ii)   when commercial money transfer services are unavailable or inappropriate
    (b)   to repay to an original payer amounts credited to the Special Account and residual after any necessary payments have been made under paragraph (a)
    (c)     activities that are incidental to a purpose mentioned in paragraphs (a) or (b)
    (d)   to reduce the balance of the Special Account (and, therefore, the available appropriation for that Account) without making a real or notional payment
    (e)   to repay amounts where an Act or other law requires or permits the repayment of an amount received.
This special account determination is to sunset on 1 October 2015.
3.     Appropriation:   Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 section 20
Establishing Instrument: Financial Management and Accountability (Special Accounts) Determination 2000/13
    (a)   to make payments overseas on behalf of entities
    (b)   to make payments to entities for amounts received overseas on their behalf
    (c)   to make payments overseas on projects jointly funded with entities
    (d)     activities that are incidental to a purpose mentioned in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c)
    (e)   to reduce the balance of the Special Account (and, therefore, the available appropriation for that Special Account) without making a real or notional payment
    (f)   to repay amounts where an Act or other law requires or permits the repayment of an amount received.
This special account determination is to sunset on 1 October 2019.
4.     Appropriation:   Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 section 20
Establishing Instrument: Financial Management and Accountability (Special Accounts) Determination 2009/25
    (a)   disburse amounts held in trust or otherwise for the benefit of a person other than the Commonwealth
    (b)   disburse amounts in connection with services performed on behalf of other governments and bodies that are not FMA agencies
    (c)   repay amounts where an Act or other law requires or permits the repayment of an amount received
    (d)   reduce the balance of the Special Account (and, therefore, the available appropriation for the Account) without making a real or notional payment.
This special account determination is to sunset on 1 October 2019.
5.     Appropriation:   Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 section 20
Establishing Instrument: Financial Management and Accountability (Special Accounts) Determination 2011/05
    (a)   disburse amounts held in trust or otherwise for the benefit of a person other than the Commonwealth
    (b)   disburse amounts in connection with services performed on behalf of other governments and bodies that are not FMA agencies
    (c)   repay amounts where an Act or other law requires or permits the repayment of an amount received
    (d)   reduce the balance of the Special Account (and, therefore, the available appropriation for the Account) without making a real or notional payment.
This special account ceased on 1 July 2014 under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2014.
6.     Appropriation:   Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 section 20
Establishing Instrument: Financial Management and Accountability (Special Accounts) Determination 2005/03
    (a)   loans for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction assistance to areas in the Republic of Indonesia directly affected by the Tsunami and economic and social development assistance to all areas of the Republic of Indonesia
    (b)     activities that are incidental to and directly related to a purpose mentioned in paragraph (a)
    (c)   to reduce the balance of the Special Account (and, therefore, the available appropriation for that Account) without making a real or notional payment
    (d)   to repay amounts where an Act or other law required or permits the repayment of an amount received.
    (e)   to credit amounts to the Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development (Loans) Special Account 2015.
This special account sunsetted on 1 April 2015 and was replaced with the below special account established under the PGPA Act.
7.     Appropriation:   Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 section 78
Establishing Instrument: PGPA Act (Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development (Loans) Special Account 2015 – Establishment) Determination 2015/01
    (a)   loans for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction assistance to areas in the Republic of Indonesia directly affected by the 2004 Tsunami through one or more of the activities specified in subsection 8(2)
    (b)   loans for economic and social development assistance in all areas of the Republic of Indonesia through one or more of the activities specified in subsection 8(2)
    (c)   activities that are incidental to and directly related to a purpose mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b)
    (d)   to reduce the balance of the Special Account (and, therefore, the available appropriation for the special account) without making a real or notional payment
    (e)   to repay amounts where an Act or other law required or permits the repayment of an amount received.
This special account determination is to sunset on 1 April 2025.
8.     Appropriation:   Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 section 20
Establishing Instrument: Financial Management and Accountability (Special Accounts) Determination 2002/01
    (a)   acquire, lease, construct, manage, operate, repair, maintain, divest, finance, identify or advise on, and undertake any other activities in relation to, the real property of the Commonwealth outside Australia
    (b)   return dividends or net proceeds from the sale of an asset to the Budget as agreed between the Finance Minister and the responsible minister
    (c)   carry out activities that are incidental to a purpose mentioned in paragraph (a)
    (d)   reduce the balance of the Special Account (and, therefore, the available appropriation for the Account) without making a real or notional payment
    (e)   repay amounts where an Act or other law requires or permits the repayment of an amount received.
This special account determination is to sunset on 1 October 2019.
The above determinations that were originally made under subsection 20(1) of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 are taken from 1 July 2014 to have been made under subsection 78(1) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.
The following special account ceased on 1 July 2014 under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2014.
There were no balances or transactions for either the 2013-14 or 2014-15 financial years.
    Special Account:     Australia-Indonesia Partnership Reconstruction and Development (Grants) Special Account
    Appropriation:     Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 section 20
    Establishing Instrument: Financial Management and Accountability (Special Accounts) Determination 2002/01
    (a)   grants for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction assistance to areas in the Republic of Indonesia directly affected by the Tsunami and economic and social development assistance to all areas of the Republic of Indonesia
    (b)     activities that are incidental to and directly related to a purpose mentioned in paragraph (a) or paragraph 5.1 (a) of Financial Management and Accountability Determination 2005/03 – Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development (Loans) Special Account Establishment 2005
    (c)   to reduce the balance of the Special Account (and, therefore, the available appropriation for that Account) without making a real or notional payment
    (d)   to repay amounts where an Act or other law required or permits the repayment of an amount received.
Prior to 1 November 2013 the following accounts were the responsibility of AusAID:
    – Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development (Grants) Special Account (Financial Management and Accountability (Special Accounts)   Determination 2005/03)
    – Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development (Loans) Special Account
    – Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys – AusAID Special Account