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Annual Report 2014–15
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Guide to the report
Section 1:
Secretary’s review
Departmental overview
Section 2:
Performance reporting
Outcome 1: Foreign policy, trade and international development
North Asia
Southeast Asia
South and West Asia
Middle East and Africa
Bilateral, regional and multilateral trade negotiations
Trade development, investment, policy coordination and tourism
Multilateral policy, development, legal and environment
International security, nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation
Services to other agencies in Australia and overseas
Services to diplomatic and consular representatives in Australia
Public diplomacy and communications
New Colombo Plan
Progress against Australia’s development policy and performance framework
Cross-regional programs
Emergency, humanitarian and refugee program
Multilateral replenishments and global development partnerships
NGO, volunteer and community programs
Outcome 2: Consular and passport services
Consular services
Passport services
Outcome 3: Security, ICT and overseas property
Security and ICT services
Property services
Report on financial performance
Section 3:
Corporate management & accountability
Corporate governance
External scrutiny and accountability
Management of human resources
Management of financial resources
Section 4:
Ministerial responsibilities
DFAT Values Statement
Staffing overview
Agency resource statement
Aid program expenditure
Inquiries by parliamentary committees
Matters before courts and administrative tribunals
Workplace health and safety
Ecologically sustainable development and environmental performance
Purchaser–provider arrangements
Advertising and market research
Grants and contributions
List of sponsors
Summary of the overseas network
List of corrections
Section 5:
Financial statements
Independent auditor’s report
Statement by the Secretary and Chief Financial Officer
Financial statements
Statement of Comprehensive Income
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Changes in Equity
Cash Flow Statement
Schedule of Commitments
Administered Schedule Of Comprehensive Income
Administered Schedule Of Assets And Liabilities
Administered Reconciliation Schedule
Administered Cashflow Statement
Schedule of Administered Commitments
Notes to and forming part of the financial statements
Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Note 2: Events After the Reporting Period
Note 3: Net Cash Appropriation Arrangements
Note 4: Expenses
Note 5: Income
Note 6: Fair Value Measurements
Note 7: Financial Assets
Note 8: Non-Financial Assets
Note 9: Payables
Note 10: Provisions
Note 11: Restructuring
Note 12: Cash Flow Reconciliation
Note 13: Contingent Assets and Liabilities
Note 14: Senior Management Personnel Remuneration
Note 15: Financial Instruments
Note 16: Financial Assets Reconciliation
Note 17: Administered - Expenses
Note 18: Administered - Income
Note 19: Administered - Fair Value Measurements
Note 20: Administered - Financial Assets
Note 21: Administered - Non-Financial Assets
Note 22: Administered - Payables
Note 23: Administered - Provisions
Note 24: Administered - Cash Flow Reconciliation
Note 25: Administered - Contingent Assets and Liabilities
Note 26: Administered - Financial Instruments
Note 27: Administered - Financial Assets Reconciliation.
Note 28: Administered - Defined Benefit Pension Schemes
Note 29: Appropriations
Note 30: Special Accounts
Note 31: Reporting of Outcomes
Note 32: Budgetary Reports and Explanations of Major Variances
Section 6:
Reference material
Glossary of terms
Acronyms and abbreviations
List of tables
List of figures
List of requirements
Section 1: Overviews
Section 1: Overviews
Secretary’s review
Departmental overview